
Pilgrimage as a Sacred Journey; Spiritual Guidance for the Journey…

The desert has been calling out to seekers and pilgrims for thousands of years, urging them to come away, to wrestle, and to be transformed. From the Israelites 40 years of wandering to Jesus’ 40 days of fasting followed by temptation, the desert is a place of personal transformation and encounter with a loving God.

Do you feel a longing to depart on a deep inner journey where you will reclaim a relationship with your true/authentic self and with a loving God? Do you desire to deep intimacy with God, healing of past wounds, and then the peace that passes all understanding? Do you wish to serve God from a pure heart participating as His hands and feet in the ways that you are uniquely gifted?

Know that this pilgrimage will lead you through the unfamiliar wilderness territories and desert terrains. God did not create us to travel alone. His intention is for you walk alongside an experienced and wise guide who will help you to navigate the way and hear God’s voice.

Scripture shows us that the process of journeying with Christ unfolds through six stages. Janet Hagberg and Robert Guelich developed an integrated and contemporary model of such Christian growth, The Spiritual Life Inventory. 

Stages 1, 2, and 3 are often supported by the church. But, unfortunately, many pastors and priests have not themselves gone through stages 4, 5, and 6. So, it is difficult to walk beside others on roads we ourselves have not traveled. Also, sometimes we cease to grow, regress, or have starts, stops, or digressions in our spiritual development.

In stage 4 we begin the journey inward and “hit a wall”,  which can be equated with the desert journeys of the scripture. This same desert has been calling out to seekers and pilgrims for thousands of years, urging them to come away, to wrestle, and to be transformed. From the Israelites’ 40 years of wandering to Jesus’ 40 days of fasting followed by temptation, the desert is a place of personal transformation and encounter with a loving God. At this point, a wise and experienced spiritual director, who has traveled through these stages, can be a guide to help you to navigate through unfamiliar lands and hear God’s voice.

Where are you on your spiritual journey? I suggest that you take this free online assessment, The Spiritual Life Inventory. This inventory can be a little challenging for some to interpret the scores and know where they are being led.  Feel free to call me and I am happy to assist you with scoring and interpretation.  Then prayerfully consider if God might be inviting you to  further growth and intimacy with Him.

Kathy is available to be your walking spiritual companion. With 24 years’ experience as a teacher, 17 years as a licensed pastoral counselor and 9 years as a certified spiritual director she has accompanied over 1,200 pilgrims on their journey’s to wholeness.

“Isn’t it time that your drifting was consecrated into pilgrimage?  You have a mission.  You are needed.  The road that leads to nowhere has to be abandoned…. It is a road for joyful pilgrims intent on the recovery of passion.”
— Alan Jones

Path of Life Ministry is located at:
1111 Dix Drive
Wilmore, KY 40390
For an appointment, 
please call 859-858-0750,
or email kathymilans@gmail.com.